Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Horizons

I woke up this morning with this overwhelming peace. It was actually quite spiritual.  I proceeded to go for a four mile run and found myself reflecting on the food I have been eating lately.  Almost two weeks ago I had one of those ‘ok self, we need to revamp the way we are eating’ and have tried to make extra efforts to include more fresh, organic (budget-willing), and wholesome food into my diet.  While on my run, I realized that my euphoria this morning was directly related to this slight change in my diet.
I then began to reflect on the good ole days of my senior year of college when I decided to change my diet to include more organic, fresh, and local produce.  Within days I reached a place where I felt holistically healthy for the first time… probably EVER.
As I finished up my run, I decided to continue this dietary discovery and use this blog as a diary of sorts to share my foodie ventures. I want to become more educated about our food system and find creative and practical ways to introduce healthier and sustainable eating practices into the American home (or at least my home).
Here is to new horizons…

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